It's not dnb without the b!!!
I thought the drums were awesome :D So much glitch...
It really needs bass, you can't have a good bass song without dnb, it's essentual.
The piano and pad were mastered quite well, except the piano should have been a tad
louder and the pad a bit lower
You really didn't experiment much with the piano or background, you needed a fast part
with the piano, were it goes dadadadaddada and the drums suddenly stop. And then they
explode in.... I dno just experiment more with not only the drums but every aspect
Also the progression was not interesting for me, it kinda made me a bit sad, but there was
not strong sense of feel, maybe it was a bit random.
Try using some different scales then what you normally use
like the harmonic minor scale?
well the drums were fantastic :D Good job on that
and it sorta retains your style, so that was cool
keep it up :D