nice job
I probably enjoyed this the most out of all your IDM tracks. I really liked the panning effects around the first quater of the song and of course of wild finger tapping. One thing I wonder is how you get your drum patterns so intricate. I'm assuming you slow down the tempo and spend loads of time fiddling around to get the patterns perfect. :D Time well spent.
The tune was nice and relaxing, and had a really nice reverb but it does get bland around midway through the song. I love how the song really picks up at the end, but it seems like it could have gone on for a lot longer, like the song only just started.
The intro was pretty good, but the fade in hats, eh just so overused. Try something else next time, I know i'm being picky, but still. Yeah lol.
Well then, it will be interesting to see if you can top this, pretty gooooood song if you ask me. Now make an 8-bit version!
Seeyou around!
:D Lotsa love from da box-killa!